Different Type of Hot Tub Options for Home Use

There might have been a time when hot tubs were only found in fancy homes, but that is no longer the case. These days, homeowners who want the maximum amount of relaxation right at home can find different types of hot tubes to choose from.

Getting to know what types of hot tubs are available for home use can help you decide onthe right features, size and functions to enjoy at home.

Hot Tubs Price Range

You do not have to spend a small fortune to experience hot tubs and spas since you can purchase an inflatable model for as little as $500 or less.

For homeowners willing to go all out for a luxury model, manufacturers offer options that can go up to and even beyond the $25,000 price range.

Different types of hot tubs you might consider include

  • Portable
  • Inground
  • Swim-spa combo
  • Wooden

Portable Hot Tub

Portable hot tubs and spas are a common choice for many homeowners since they are reasonably priced, durable, and consume less energy than high-luxury models. Although it should be said that the name is a bit misleading. You will probably not be taking one of these from place to place since they are usually heavy and take effort to place properly. Safety issues might also arise when moving one. Click here for more safety info.

Homeowners can purchase a portable hot tub in different sizes to suit their needs. Build material includes synthetic acrylic or fiberglass material that looks like real wood for the exterior layer, ensuring weather-resistance and durability. The interior layer is often made of vinyl, rotomolded plastic, or acrylic.

Inground Hot Tubs

Inground hot tubs are more expensive than portable options, but add aesthetic appeal to the landscape where they are installed.

These optionsalso add value to a home and many consider them an investment that goes beyond relaxation.

Another reason why you might choose an inground hot tub is that they can be designed to suit the size and shape the homeowner wants. Above-ground options are usually molded so they cannot be redesigned.

Swim-Spa Combo

A swim-spa combo option will provide you with the best of two worlds: a pool to swim in and a hot tub to relax in and get rid of stress. However, this option is not for everyone. As you might imagine, combining a pool with a hot tub/spa is going to take more room than if you just installed a hot tub. The cost is also quite considerable as it can exceed $25,000.

Homeowners who do have ample space for a swim-spa combo will have to have a solid foundation for it either for outdoor or indoor placement. Installing your new swim-spa combo indoors will also allow you to use it during the coldest seasons of the year and not just in spring and summer.

Wooden Hot Tub

Wooden hot tubs are what most homeowners envision when they start to consider buying one. Although this hot tub option was quite popular, for a long time it is no longer a top choice because of the antiquated tech and diminished energy efficiency.

Still, traditional wooden options should be considered for various reasons that include not being dependent on electricity as many can be heated with burning wood or a gas heater. This can be very attractive to homeowners with a space where electricity may not be available.

Inflatable Hot Tubs

Some homeowners might not be ready to splurge on a fancy hot tub that will cost them thousands of dollars. That does not mean that they cannot get a much joy and relaxation at home with a less-expensive one.

Inflatable options can be a way to experience benefits for the first time without breaking the bank. They are easy to set up either inside or outside the home. Yet another advantage is that this type of hot tub does not take up space permanently and can be stored away easily.

Other Considerations

Aside from what you are willing to spend for a hot tub and how much space you might have for it, two things you should also consider include:

  • Who will use it?

If the hot tub will only be used by a couple as opposed to an entire family, you should only consider small models to save on space, initial costs, and maintenance. You might be able to solve some possible problems yourself, as you can see here https://www.wikihow.com/Fix-a-Leaking-Hot-Tub, but most will require professional help.

  • Upgrades

Does the hot tub option you like offer upgrades? Maybe it comes with uncomfortable seats that might be worth upgrading.

In Conclusion

Whether you are looking for an affordable hot tub option or one that will add significant beauty and utility to your home, there are plenty of options to choose from and enjoy.