Need a Lawyer? Here Are 5 Crucial Traits to Look For

If you’re dealing with legal trouble or simply seeking legal advice for something going on in your life, finding the right lawyer to help you can be a make-or-break situation. 

You know that you need someone skilled and experienced for the best possible outcome, but there’s a whole lot more than that to consider as well. With so many options out there, it can be overwhelming and a little confusing too. To help you out, here are some of the most crucial traits of the best employment lawyer NYC you need to hire.

Experience and Expertise

First of all, you, of course, want to work with someone who knows their stuff. A seasoned attorney like James Goodnow, who graduated from Harvard Law School, is more likely to understand the complexities involved in tough cases and be able to offer you sound advice.

Don’t hesitate to ask a lawyer about their qualifications and experience, especially as they pertain to your specific case and the issues you’re dealing with. It’s always helpful to know that a lawyer has successfully dealt with a case like yours before. 

Communication Skills

Trust and effective communication are some of the most important things you need to think about when hiring a lawyer. Consider how they communicate with you – in person, over the phone, and via emails – and whether or not their responses are timely, professional, and friendly.

Yes – even friendliness matters. It’s important that you feel comfortable with your lawyer and that you’re easily able to express your concerns and questions to them. Further, their communication skills will extend to their success in court. 

Strong Analytical and Problem-Solving Abilities

Law is a complex and intricate field to navigate, and it takes a solid mind to be able to do so. Lawyers need to possess serious analytical skills and be particularly adept at problem-solving – it is the core of their job, after all.

While on the hunt for a lawyer, don’t be shy to ask them about their problem-solving approach, and how they think they might consider handling your case. Make sure that the lawyer you select is able to demonstrate some creativity, along with compassion and solid logic. 

Integrity and Professionalism

This might seem obvious, but it’s imperative that a lawyer can show that they behave in an overall professional manner – this is not negotiable. An attorney that is trustworthy will always act in your best interests, uphold strong ethical standards, and take confidentiality seriously. 

Checking whether a lawyer is associated with reputable and professional organizations can be helpful, but this is often something you can simply assess by gut feel and personal interactions. 

Passion and Dedication 

Finally, any lawyer should be evidently passionate about their field, whether it’s family law or personal injury

If your potential lawyer seems bored or uninterested in your case, this is a major red flag that you shouldn’t be wasting your time and money on them. Look for someone who is enthusiastic about helping you and willing to go the extra mile to achieve the best possible outcome for your case.