The Mindset Shift: From “I Can’t Do Maths” to “I Love Maths”

In Singapore, where education is highly valued, and excellence is the norm, the subject of mathematics often takes centre stage. It’s not uncommon to hear students express their apprehension with phrases like “I can’t do maths” or “Mathematics is my weakness.” But what if the key to conquering maths lies not in your innate abilities but in your mindset? This article will explore the importance of a growth mindset in learning mathematics and why you should take maths tuition classes in Singapore.

The Power of Mindset

A growth mindset is the idea that aptitudes and intellect can be developed through commitment and effort. It was first proposed by psychologist Carol Dweck. A fixed mindset, on the other hand, is the conviction that one’s skills are unalterable and static. So, how does this apply to maths?

Many individuals develop a fixed mindset when it comes to maths. They believe that being “bad at maths” is a permanent condition, and this belief can severely hinder their progress. However, by adopting a growth mindset, students open themselves up to the idea that they can improve their mathematical abilities with effort and practice.

The Importance of a Growth Mindset in Math

A growth mindset is particularly crucial when it comes to learning mathematics. Maths is not about innate talent; it’s about problem-solving, critical thinking, and practice. When students embrace a growth mindset, they are more likely to put in the time and effort needed to succeed in maths.

One of the key benefits of a growth mindset is resilience. When faced with a challenging maths problem, a student with a growth mindset will view it as an opportunity to learn and grow. They understand that making mistakes is a natural part of the learning process and that each mistake brings them closer to mastery.

Moreover, a growth mindset fosters a love for learning. When students approach maths with a positive attitude and a willingness to learn, they are more likely to find the subject engaging and enjoyable. Maths ceases to be a source of anxiety and becomes a puzzle to solve, a challenge to conquer.

The Role of Maths Tuition

Maths tuition plays a pivotal role in nurturing a growth mindset and changing negative perceptions of maths. Here’s a look at why you should take maths tuition classes in Singapore:

Personalised Guidance: In a classroom setting, teachers often have limited time to cater to the individual needs of each student. Maths tuition provides personalised attention, allowing students to work at their own pace and focus on areas where they need improvement. This tailored approach can boost confidence and motivation.

Building Foundation: Maths tuition helps students build a strong foundation in mathematical concepts. When students grasp the fundamentals, they are better equipped to tackle more complex problems. As they experience success, their belief in their abilities grows.

Supportive Environment: Math tuition centres create a supportive and nurturing environment. Students can ask questions without fear of judgement and receive constructive feedback. This safe space encourages them to take risks and push beyond their comfort zones.

Positive Role Models: Math tutors often serve as positive role models. They demonstrate a growth mindset by showing that hard work and dedication lead to improvement. Students are inspired by their tutors’ journeys and achievements in maths.

Boosting Confidence: Success breeds confidence. As students make progress in maths through tuition, their self-esteem soars. They begin to shed the belief that they “can’t do maths” and replace it with the conviction that they can excel in the subject.

Transforming Perceptions

As students embrace a growth mindset and benefit from maths tuition, their perceptions of maths undergo a transformation. They no longer view maths as an insurmountable obstacle but as a thrilling challenge. Here are some common shifts in perception:

From Fear to Curiosity: The fear of maths gives way to curiosity. Students become eager to explore mathematical concepts and solve problems.

From Frustration to Patience: Instead of getting frustrated when they encounter difficult maths problems, students develop patience and perseverance. They understand that setbacks are opportunities to learn.

From Avoidance to Engagement: Maths ceases to be a subject to avoid. Students actively engage with maths, seeking out opportunities to practise and learn.

From Self-Doubt to Confidence: Negative self-talk, such as “I can’t do maths,” is replaced by self-assurance. Students believe in their ability to tackle mathematical challenges.

From Stress to Enjoyment: Maths transforms from a source of stress to a source of enjoyment. Students relish the satisfaction of solving complex problems.


In conclusion, the journey from “I can’t do maths” to “I love maths” begins with a shift in mindset. Embracing a growth mindset empowers students to believe in their ability to excel in mathematics. Maths tuition further enhances this transformation by providing personalised support, building a strong foundation, and fostering a love for learning.

So, if you’ve ever doubted your mathematical abilities, remember that your mindset can be your greatest asset. With dedication, hard work, and the right support, you can make the leap from maths apprehension to maths appreciation. Mathematics is not reserved for the few; it is a subject that anyone can conquer with the right mindset and a willingness to learn.