What Is A Female Donkey Called?

Are you curious to know what is a female donkey called? You have come to the right place as I am going to tell you everything about a female donkey called in a very simple explanation. Without further discussion let’s begin to know what is a female donkey called?

Delving into the world of animals, one might come across the intriguing question: What Is a Female Donkey Called? In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore not only the answer to this query but also touch upon related terms, fun facts about donkeys, and various intriguing aspects of these gentle creatures.

What Is A Female Donkey Called?

A female donkey is referred to as a “jenny” or a “jennet.” These terms are commonly used to distinguish the female counterpart of this equine species.

What Is A Female Donkey And A Male Horse Called:

When a female donkey and a male horse mate, their offspring is known as a “mule.” Mules inherit traits from both parents and are known for their unique characteristics, such as strength and endurance.

What Is A Young Female Donkey Called:

A young female donkey is known as a “jennet foal” or simply a “jenny foal.” Just like other baby animals, these young donkeys are adorable and endearing.

What Is A Male Donkey Called:

The male counterpart of a donkey is called a “jack.” Understanding these terms allows for a more comprehensive grasp of the donkey’s reproductive and familial structure.

What Is A Female Donkey Called In English:

The term “jenny” is the English equivalent for a female donkey. This colloquial name is widely recognized in English-speaking regions.

Male Horse And Female Donkey:

When a male horse mates with a female donkey, the resulting offspring is called a “hinny.” Similar to mules, hinnies exhibit a combination of traits from both parent species.

What Is A Donkey Called:

A donkey is simply referred to as a “donkey.” However, the terms “ass” or “burro” are also used in different regions as alternative names for these animals.

10 Fun Facts About Donkeys:

  • Donkeys are known for their intelligence and problem-solving abilities.
  • They have a keen sense of hearing and can detect sounds from miles away.
  • Donkeys are social animals, and they form strong bonds within their herds.
  • These equines have a notorious reputation for being stubborn, but this trait is often a result of their cautious nature.
  • Donkeys have a unique vocalization called a “bray,” which is distinctive and can carry over long distances.
  • They are surefooted and well-suited for traversing challenging terrains.
  • Donkeys are often used as working animals, particularly in agriculture and transportation.
  • Despite their reputation, donkeys are affectionate and form strong connections with their human caretakers.
  • They have a longer lifespan compared to horses, with some donkeys living well into their 30s.
  • Donkeys come in various sizes, from miniatures to standard-sized breeds.

Let’s find some more interesting facts about different topics on Tallestclub.

What Is A Wild Donkey Called:

A wild donkey is commonly referred to as a “wild ass” or a “wild burro.” These animals are the ancestors of domesticated donkeys and are found in various regions around the world.

Baby Donkey Called:

A baby donkey is called a “foal.” These adorable creatures are a joy to behold, and they quickly capture the hearts of those around them.

What Is A Herd Of Donkeys Called:

A group of donkeys is known as a “herd.” Donkeys are social animals and thrive in the company of their fellow herd members.


Navigating the intricacies of what a female donkey is called opens up a window into the rich world of these equines. From the unique terms to the fascinating facts about donkeys, these creatures continue to captivate and contribute to our understanding of the diverse animal kingdom. Embrace the charm of donkeys and explore the various facets that make them a remarkable part of our natural world.


Why Is A Donkey Called A Jackass?

While ass is interchangeable with donkey, “jackass” refers specifically to a male donkey. This derives from the male donkey’s nickname “jack” paired with the original donkey terminology “ass.” Female donkeys are called “jennies” or “jennets,” but a female ready to breed is known as a “broodmare.”

What Is The Female Gender Of The Donkey?

The female gender of donkey is Jenny.

In this question, we are asked to mention the female gender of donkey. The female gender of donkey is called Jenny. It is also known as Jennet. Whereas the male gender of donkey is called Jack.

Can Donkeys Be Female?

Male donkeys are called jacks, and females are called jennets. Donkeys have 62 chromosomes and horses 64, but they can interbreed. A mule is the offspring of a male donkey and a female horse, and a hinny is the offspring of a male horse and female donkey.

What Is A Hinny Vs Mule?

A mule is the offspring of a male donkey (jack) and a female horse (mare). A hinny, which is far less common, is the offspring of a male horse (stallion) and a female donkey (jenny).

I Have Covered All The Following Queries And Topics In The Above Article

What Is A Female Donkey Called?

What Is A Female Donkey And A Male Horse Called

What Is A Young Female Donkey Called

What Is A Male Donkey Called

What Is A Female Donkey Called In English

Male Horse And Female Donkey

What Is A Donkey Called

10 Fun Facts About Donkeys

What Is A Wild Donkey Called

Baby Donkey Called

What Is A Herd Of Donkeys Called

What Is A Female Donkey Called