A Brief Overview Of The Sensational Game In The World Of Mmorpg – Tarisland


In early 2023, just three days after World of Warcraft left China, local developers under the auspices of Tencent claimed they had their WoW at home, announcing a major new free-to-play MMORPG called Tarisland. As it soon turned out, Tencent had been working on this project for three years, and now the development is already close to completion – at the beginning of the summer, a beta test was held for anyone who wants to try the game in person. True, there were so many applicants that not everyone was given access, but Tencent is unlikely to regret this problem. The exact release date of Tarisland is still unknown, but it is expected this year – developers are specially given bonuses and generously paid overtime so that the intriguing MMORPG comes out on time. When the new product becomes publicly available, it is quite capable of growing into a big hit – there are several good reasons for this, which we will now tell you about.

Players are already looking forward to the new game to have a new experience. There is a growing demand for tarisland gold and account upgrades on boosting sites because everyone wants to break into the game with pumped characters. Sites like SkyCoach already provide pvp, dungeon and raiding, power leveling, and gold-buying services. And this suggests that the demand for the game is quite high and it can really become a legend.

Tarisland is not World of Warcraft

Chinese developers deny accusations of plagiarism and are outraged by criticism from Activision Blizzard, insisting that Tarisland is an original project. But although Tencent is not ready to put up with the label “clone of WoW”, the same trailers give the impression that the game is similar to the famous MMORPG about Azeroth. However, do not rush to conclusions. Warcraft itself was once inspired by the legendary Warhammer universe: the developers of the original RTS for PC were forced to invent something formally new only because they did not have the rights to the original. But after a couple of years, Azeroth has become an iconic and fan-favorite world.

The example of Genshin Impact is also very indicative: it was called a free clone of Breath of the Wild! And sometimes even a mediocre clone. Time has put everything in its place. Now, everyone interested in the topic is well aware of the differences between Genshin and the penultimate The Legend of Zelda – there are plenty of them both in the setting and the gameplay. Moreover, there are enough people who now like Genshin more than their supposed progenitor. In the same way, Tarisland, while now reminiscent of World of Warcraft, may grow into something grandiose and unique in the future. The release version may amaze skeptics.

Tarisland will appeal to fans of World of Warcraft

Recently, Tencent has become bolder and hints that Tarisland is not just a future replacement for World of Warcraft in the Chinese market, but a promising rival for the same WoW all over the world. Bold statements are related, among other things, to the fact that the new product is aimed at the audience of Azeroth – in theory, it will attract gamers, taking them away from a competitor.

Why can this plan work for Tarisland? Because it looks like World of Warcraft, even if it is not a direct clone of it. Tarisland’s graphic style, interface, basic setting elements, and set of playable races are such that WoW fans will feel right at home – getting to know the new universe will do without shock and inconvenience. At the same time, as we have already said, there is no reason to seriously talk about plagiarism – the Chinese game has its face, although you need to be able to see it. Recall also that Blizzard is not at all the inventor of a slightly grotesque fantasy with hypertrophied armor and deliberately pretentious characters. It is obvious that in the almost 20 years of World of Warcraft’s existence, one day a big game with similar components should have appeared. And it’s even cool if it appears, since WoW has long collapsed under its weight, and its new additions often offend longtime fans with plot twists and gameplay innovations.

Pay-to-win under an absolute ban

Tarisland is shareware, like most modern MMORPGs, which will surely please those players who are just planning to get acquainted with it. The novelty can be tried without the need to spend money – without haste, doubts, and any anxiety about the rationality of investments. However, for those who have already fallen in love with trailers and sincerely believe in their chance to build a serious relationship with Tarisland, the shareware format may even confuse them. They have several questions: how exactly will this MMORPG make money for its authors and publisher, and will there be advantages for gamers who spend a lot of money? Tencent reacted to the unrest among the potential audience and stated that no pay-to-win in Tarisland is planned either on the day of release or in future updates and additions.

The company has a clear position on this: if you want to succeed in this particular MMORPG, you need to play the best – be smart in battles and skillful in communication. Decorative items, on the other hand, can be bought both for yuan and for the currency of other regions where an imminent release is expected. With each new “season”, sets of costumes and skins will be added to the game.

In conclusion, we want to say that by all indications, MMORPG fans need to prepare for a very high-quality game that fans of the Warcraft universe should enjoy. But you also need to understand that it will be a separate game, with its pros and cons.
