Common Causes Of Work-Related Stress Explained

For many of us, stress has become an everyday part of our lives. Our jobs can be incredibly overwhelming at times, especially during busy periods throughout the year.

While this can be normal, feeling excessively distressed can lead to serious health problems. It’s important to get on top of these emotions before they cause major burnout.

Below we are going to discuss just five common causes of work-related stress so that you can take steps to create a more enjoyable work environment.

Interested in learning more? Then let’s get started.

Managerial Pressure

There’s no denying that a hostile boss can cause severe stress in any workplace. While you may not want to speak up about your concerns, you shouldn’t continue working with someone who doesn’t treat you with respect.

If they don’t provide you with the necessary support, you will find it difficult to balance your responsibilities. Remember, you should never dread going into the office. If you believe you are being harassed or discriminated against, there is help out there.

Intense Workload

One of the most common causes of work-related stress is an excessive workload. When you have too many tasks to complete in a short amount of time, it’s easy to get overwhelmed.

When this happens, you may forget deadlines and the quality of your work will deteriorate. It’s crucial to find ways to prioritize and delegate. Don’t ever be ashamed to ask for help.

Poor Work-Life Balance

Work-life balance is something that everyone should focus on improving. If you’re working excessive hours, taking home projects, and ignoring breaks, you will experience negative effects in your personal life.

Set boundaries and always leave work “at work”. Everybody needs downtime, and you’ll even find that your job performance will see a significant improvement.

Job Insecurity

Even if you love your job and the role you play within the company, you can still experience stress. You could have a fear of layoff or concerns about the company downsizing.

While you shouldn’t focus on this too much, there are things you can do to ease this trigger. For instance, you may learn new skills and take on extra responsibilities to make you an invaluable member of your team. You could also ask management about any other opening positions or potential promotions.

Unclear Expectations

Unclear expectations in the workplace can definitely lead to frustration. Nobody wants to waste their time doing something irrelevant, especially when it can potentially increase your overall workload.

Ensure that you have clarity about tasks and collaborate with your colleagues to settle conflicts. Communication really is important here and will make everything run much more smoothly.

Final Words

As you can see, there are many different reasons for work-related stress. By identifying your cause, you can work on taking the necessary steps to manage it.

Remember to prioritize yourself and know that there is support out there. Whether it be from management, other colleagues, a doctor, or a trusted lawyer – you don’t have to battle these issues alone.